Triple grid 3D massage zones on a 12.75 inches by 5.25 inch diameter, lightweight yet durable solid core EVA massage roller imitate the finger, palm, and thumb of a therapist's hands. With only 1 lb, it is portable.
The medium density muscle roller is easy for beginners to use while still being effective at reaching the soft tissue layer of fatigued muscles. Soft enough to use while suffering from sciatica, plantar fasciitis, or lower back pain.
One of the best rehabilitation methods to reduce muscular soreness and improve flexibility and performance. Rolling is an excellent stretching technique to do before and after exercise. flushes away lactic acid that has been accumulated by increasing blood flow to the massage location.
Rolling during your warm-up and cool-down periods will help to stretch out your feet, arms, and legs, which have been overused and strained. delivers top-notch massages at home or in the gym, giving the hamstring, IT band, glutes, and calves an immediate effect.
Favored by runners, exercise athletes, yoga and pilates practitioners, swimmers, patients undergoing physical or sports treatment, and people simply working out for fitness.